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Instagram 4×5 Video Motion Graphic Template

Original price was: £10.00.Current price is: £0.00.

This is a FREE MOGRT that works with Premiere Pro and is aimed at helping you easily make 4×5 videos using a 16×9 video.

SKU: 4x5InstagramMOGRT Categories: , , , ,

Here’s another amazing freebie for you all; this is a ‘Motion Graphics Template’ aka MOGRT and you use it within Adobe Premiere Pro and appears in the essential graphics panel. This is aimed at easily making 4×5 Instagram videos which you can drag and drop your 16×9 videos in with ease and still retain the Instagram 4×5 format and allow you to have all of your videos look the same on your feed.

The template default is set for a 1:00 timescale, but it can easily be adjusted to meet your clip length and still have the playhead play along with the video from start to finish. There’s an option to add in your logo and some text at the top and bottom of the video (Or remove all of these with a simple checkbox). You can also change colours of all of the elements with a simple click and choose the colour you want. Super simple and super easy to use, which allows you to make some effective Instagram videos which take up all of the real estate space on your Instagram feed.

How to Install a Single MOGRT File
Here are the steps to install one MOGRT into Premiere Pro.
In Premiere, open up the Graphics workspace and go to the Essential Graphics panel.
Click on the + symbol at the bottom of the panel.
In the Finder/Windows Explorer, navigate to your .mogrt file and click open.
In the Essential Graphics panel search bar, type in the name of your template.


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